When Suede released their self-titled debut album in 1993, vocalist Brett Anderson endeared himself to U.K. critics longing for another David Bowie or Morrissey. Born in Haywards Heath, England, on September 29, 1967, Anderson was named after the character Lord Brett Sinclair from the TV series The Persuaders. Anderson spent much of his childhood playing sports but fantasized about becoming a rock star. In his teens, Anderson played guitar for garage bands such as the Pigs and Geoff, the latter featuring future Suede bassist Mat Osman. Anderson then formed Suede with Osman and guitarists Bernard Butler and Justine Frischmann, Anderson's girlfriend. Drummer Simon Gilbert joined Suede in 1991, but Frischmann quit the group a year later to front the band Elastica. Even before Suede's first album appeared in stores, Anderson's vague confessions about his sexuality stirred controversy in the British press. In 1993, Suede hit number one on the U.K. charts. Combining Morrissey's homoerotic posturing with Bowie's glam theatrics, Anderson achieved instant fame in England. America, however, was still spellbound by the grunge revolution and Anderson's melancholy, over-the-top vocals clashed with the raw anger of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder. Although the departure of songwriting partner Butler in 1994 led many to fear Suede's eventual demise, the band continued to release critically and commercially successful albums in the U.K.
1. Love Is Dead
2. One Lazy Morning
3. Dust And Rain
4. Intimacy
5. To The Winter
6. Scorpio Rising
7. The Infinite Kiss
8. Colour Of The Night
9. The More We Possess The Less We Own Of Ourselves
10. Ebony
11. Song For My Father
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seviyorum ben sarkilarını
Astası olunmayacak gibi değil..
dayanamıyor, love is dead'in bağıra çağıra söylemek istiyorum..
i feel a cold breath of wind black sky in morning veil
i see no worth-living reason oh no, it's driving me insane pangs of love
never thought i would feel this way i see your face in every cloud
and i say to myself don't let me,let me fade away
love is dead
i walk through desert fields black ravens surrounding me
i have no more rest for life no more, i'm bleeding from inside
a once opened heart never thought i would feel this way
i search for any reason or cause which i could never find
so i blame myself for things i don't understand
love is dead
all my life is pain drowned in tears never thought i would feel this way
everyday i die once more my heart turns black never again safe and warm
love is dead
Batu çok yaşa.
İyi ki doğdun [:
Yorumlarımızla Brett köşesini coşturalım. 250 comment'e kadar çıkalım derim...
coşalım, hoplayalım zıpayalım.. 40 gün 40 gece doum günü kutlamaları çerçevesinde bu köşede kuduralım :)
varım [:
ver coşkuyu ver coşkuyu diyerek olaya avamlığımı katayım. bazılarının da bildiği üzre...
e o zaman
Anlaşılan 241 mesaj daha atmam gerekiyor |:
Kaldı 240 -dermişim-
"239 dermişim" şeklinde devam etmek istiyorum dermişim...
arşivden bir kaç şarkı daha çıkaralım ve devam edelim..
yazacak çok şey yok...
suede - everything will flow
oh, and everything will flow
oh, i said everything will flow
oh, you know everything will flow
THE BIG TIME diyorum
Aşığım bu şarkıya...
Bilenler varsa göstersin kendilerini. burası er meydanı yiğitler
Yaşasın beleşcilik... Paylaşım ruhu... buradan indirebilirsiniz linkleri...
Mutlu yıllar bi de...
coşalım coşalım coşalım...
the big time ile devam edelim...
suede 'sci fi ...' albumunde idi..
neydi bu albumun adi yahu?
now he's in the big time, he'll show you the way.
this is the big time, this is the way
now he's in the big time...
and you're in the way..
yavaş kudurun. love is dead. sometimes.
bazen de şipşak oluyor. snapshot love.
Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Ev sallanıyo hatta
All the white kids shuffle to the heavy metal stutter
And go shaking on the scene like killing machines
And they know that when she's stacked up top
She'll be a sucker for the shotgun show
Shaking obscene like killing machines here we go
It's the same old show, he's a killer he's a flash boy oh
He's a killer he's a flash boy oh
Oh if you shake your fake tan thru aerosol land you'll know
That you'll suffer your sex by the caravenettes oh no
And that shitter with the pout won't be putting it about no more
Or shaking obscene like a killing machine here we go
It's the same old show, he's a killer he's a flash boy oh
He's a killer he's a flash boy oh...
...oh and Athena loves your body
So think of the sea my darling
Think of the sea as you murder me, murder me, murder me,
murder me, murder me...
It's the same old show, he's a killer, he's a flash boy oh
This is the killing of a flash boy oh.
22 olduk
We Can Be Anyone
23 olalım..
daha çok olalım..
katılım bekliyorum..
24 geçen seneki yaşımdı
ozaman şimdi 25sin
hatta seneyede 26..
evet şimdi 25im
hatta seneye 26
aramızda 29 olan varsa, 29. yorumu ona ithaf edeyim
erkek 30'undan önce evlenmemeli derler.
neden derler?
i watch the slow hand kill the day
i see my starring role tick away
i watch the skyline for him to come
and when he comes along, we'll be gone...
...and we'll go into the city, into the light
we'll be there in the headlines, there overnight,
'cos this is the big time, this is the way
now he's in the big time, he'll show you the way.
this is the big time, this is the way
now he's in the big time...
and you're in the way.
insan 15 olunca aklı da 15 oluyo
ama vatandaş haklı
brett için değer..
Brett bizim herşeyimiz... Kapalı anlatım ustamız...
in the high life, i've got this feeling now
i've got this horrible feeling
on the escalator they took it out on him,
as the ridiculous world went by
oh, he is gone
he's my insætiable one...
on the high wire, dressed in a leotard
there wobbles one hell of a retard
on the escalator we shit paracetamol,
as the ridiculous world goes by
oh, he is gone
he's my insætiable one
and he was my inflætable one...
35 1/2...
250ye pek bir şey kalmadı..
500e karar verdiğinizde haber verin, ben de başlayayım;)
Brett'in albüm 500 bile satmadı galiba |:
Bernard Butler bile 750 kopya satmıştı.
350'si geri iade almıştı ama konumuz bu değil [:
çok boktan albüm insanın sinirlerini bozuyor, kötü kalkık igiliz ibnesi. Brett Anderson diğer elemenlar olmadan anca inleyip durur.
işte ben öküzüm diyen biri...
Brett vurduruyomuş şu sıralar.
Kaseti çıksa da izlesek diyorum... Arsızlaşmakta üstümüze yok diyorum... Siyahi bir güzelle evlendi diyorlar. Darısı başımıza diyorum...
Yazdıkca yazasım geliyor, durmak nedir bilmiyorum diyorum. Brett en iyi diyorum. Hayatımın grubu Suede diyorum.
Colour Of The Night diyorum, More We Posses diyorum, To The Winter diyorum, Love Is Dead diyorum, Infinite Kiss diyorum.
Daha da yazmak istiyorum diyorum.
Brett, bu sevda bitmez diyorum [:
45 yorum oldu |:
"Brett vurduruyomuş şu sıralar."
Ah o vuran ben olcaktım Brette
vurdura vurdura, vurmayı da öğrenmişsin anlaşılan sen...
The More We Possess The Less We Own Of Ourselves
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